Wet Floor Sign

In Tennessee, businesses and property owners owe a duty to their visitors to maintain their property and facilities in a reasonably safe condition, as well as construct and maintain their property in compliance with local and state law and ordinances. This includes maintaining the property in a safe condition, fixing known dangerous conditions, and warning of conditions that may be potentially harmful. These types of cases typically involve situations where a customer or visitor falls and suffers injury.  But, there are many other types of cases involving dangerous property conditions, such as inadequate fencing and alarms around a neighborhood pool, insufficient security to protect visitors from a known criminal element, or exposure of toxic chemicals or elements like lead or mold injuring children.  Another common example would be dog bites, especially involving children.

In addition to keeping their property in a safe condition, business owners have a duty to protect and warn customers of other dangers about which the business is aware. For example, businesses that have a history of criminal activity or assaults on or near their property, have a duty to protect their customers from these dangerous elements.  This can be accomplished in a variety of ways ranging from providing adequate lighting in the parking lot to employing on-site security personnel.  

The lawyers at the Matthews Firm have a track record for success in bringing premises liability cases ranging from falls, building code violations, dog bites and attacks, and improper building and walkway maintenance. Frequently these cases require the use of building code and safety engineers. Our lawyers know what experts to use and how to deploy a successful litigation involving these claims.

This area of the law encompasses several types of situations including:

  • Slips, trips, and Falls
  • Assaults and injuries as a result of inadequate security
  • Being the victim of a criminal act on another’s property
  • Hotel injuries
  • Grocery Store falls
  • Mall or shopping center falls
  • Injuries from amusement park rides
  • Dog bites and attacks
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals or mold
  • Lead exposures to children
  • Improper maintenance of buildings and sidewalks
  • Building code violations
  • Improper Lighting

A property owner or business that fails to maintain its property in a safe condition and protect its patrons may owe compensation to the injured patron or visitor, which includes recovery of medical expenses, any lost wages or loss of earning capacity, future medical expenses, permanent disability, and additional sums for pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life.

REMEMBER: There are time limits for making a claim against a property owner or business for injuries caused by a dangerous condition on the property. These time limits may be shorter than you think. If you or a family member has suffered an injury because of a dangerous condition on another’s property, you should act quickly to consult with an attorney experienced in this area of the law.